If you’ve ever worked in social media or marketing, you might understand that it’s not always a walk in the park.
At times, it can feel more like tight roping across a pit of lava, with no handlebars, whilst being timed (Black Friday, we’re looking at you, hun). But with all that aside, there’s no better industry to work in. No two days are the same, and just like with internet trends, it’s constantly changing.
As much as we love what we do, we also love self-deprecating humour and memes. With internet culture constantly evolving, memes make for really entertaining top-of-the-funnel content because they’re simple, drive traffic to your page and give you a good laugh.
If your brand hasn’t already delved into the world of memes, it definitely should. We’ve grouped a few of our favourite (and most relatable) marketing memes for you to scroll through on your much-needed coffee break. Enjoy!
The idea vs the word count

This meme goes out to content teams all over the world. We see you, and we understand your pain. Writer induced tears as a result of a word count is a tale as old as time.
In marketing, you need to be relatively thick-skinned to criticism, but there’s nothing that will see a writer crumble more than a good old word count after a long day of writer’s block. But, practice makes perfect, or so they say, the word count may have won the battle today, but it hasn’t won the war.
Is it really Monday, again?
There are two types of people in the world: those who are Monday people and those who are not. When we muse on the subject of Mondays, as a whole we can see why they’re so hateable. It’s very much the marmite of weekdays.
Back in the days of lockdown, Monday managed to shed its bad reputation for being an awful day because, let’s face it, every single day merged into one. But now we’re back in the office, it’s probably well and truly feeling the brunt of everyone’s hate. On the bright side though, there’s no amount of unread emails or Slack notifications that a big cup of coffee can’t fix (especially if they’re free… Thank you, WeWork).
Content marketing is always on trend

Rumour has it when Paris Hilton first ushered the words “that’s hot”, she was actually talking about content marketing. At least, that’s what we’d like to believe anyway. Realistically she probably wasn’t, but it’s nice to hype yourself up every now and then.
The Irish Da’
After the Friends Reunion made its way onto our screens last month after a 17-year break *insert a Ross joke about being on a break*, the internet exploded with memes. The breakthrough meme stealing the show became Matt LeBlanc and his unexpected, yet uncanny, resemblance to a typical Irish dad.
Working in marketing brings a lot of challenges. But ask any marketeer if they’ve ever tried to explain their job to a family member, and they’ll tell you it’s the biggest challenge of them all.
You could give an in-depth explanation of your job title, what you do on a daily basis from start to finish, and you’ll still probably hear, “So you Tweet things?”, or better yet, “So, you work at Google?” as a response.
Next time, save yourself a headache and just say yes – even if they ask if you know Mark Zuckerberg personally.
The legal team are at it again
Referring back to our previous meme à la Matt LeBlanc, anyone who thinks working in social media is easy is sorely mistaken. Whenever you see an engaging Tweet from a brand, no matter how witty or off the cusp it may seem, we’ll be willing to take bets that that singular Tweet had to filter through a web of approval before posting.
We know a legal team is important, and without one, well, the internet would be even more of a chaotic place. But, coming up with an amazing idea only to have it cast aside can sting, A LOT. Cast your mind back to the Colin vs Cuthbert feud; the M&S team were really going through it, and it shows.
Are you wearing the…

A dmt beanie and matching mask for summer? Groundbreaking. We’re aware this isn’t a meme that everyone can relate to, but we thought we’d throw it in for good measure (dmt on the AW21 runways? Watch this space).
“Some of your ads were not approved”
“Some of your ads were not approved” is the bane of many marketers’ existence. Just ask our paid team!
And there you have it, 7 of our favourite marketing memes; we hope you enjoyed them just as much as we did!
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