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8 Pro Tips For Your Organic Social

8 Pro Tips For Your Organic Social




Doesn’t matter if you’re just starting your brand or you’ve been building it for a while  – keep that organic social in check! It’s the first port of call whenever someone hears about your brand, making it imperative that it’s a good first impression. They like you, they follow you and eventually that leads to a purchase.

If you’re not not too sure how to do this, don’t worry, it isn’t too late. We’ve put together an organic social media cheat sheet for you.

Example of a smooth feed from @AldiUk on Instagram.

Know your audience first.

Which platform are they likely to be on? Younger audiences gravitate to Instagram whereas older people depend more on Facebook. If you’re not sure where to start then look at where your competitors are. Once you figure out your target audience and where they are, start there for your organic social.

Work smarter, not harder.

Yes, social media presence is key for a brand ~ but don’t make the mistake of thinking you need to be on every single platform. Don’t waste time posting for six different accounts when you can put that effort into making better content for two of them and get even better results.

Posting as often as you can is never the answer. Realistically, one or possibly two posts a day per platform will do the trick for most brands. Facebook themselves said that the average user is subjected to over 1,500 stories per day. To increase engagement, their newsfeed only shows them around 300 – and they’re all the most relevant to that user.

Do what they’re doing – and then do it better.

What are your competitors doing? Take ideas from them and make them better, make them yours. Things like satisfying product shots, a consistent theme and regular updates on offers and products is bound to keep users coming back for more.

Optimize your platforms.

For your platforms to succeed, you need to optimize them correctly. This ranges from small things like making sure your brand name is consistent throughout and using keywords in your Instagram bio.

Using hashtags on Instagram branches out your reach substantially, whereas doing that on Facebook will do next to nothing. Protip: do not use links on Instagram captions! They don’t work. Direct them to your bio instead. And make sure you’re using a trackable link to keep an eye on those numbers.

Boost posts.

These will be your secret weapons on Facebook and Instagram. If something is doing well organically, put some money behind them and get that engagement and reach up! If you’ve got a killer post live, post a best seller of yours afterwards. While the pesky algorithm is favouring you, make the most out of it and try to increase those sales. Pro tip: interest posts do well for these. Don’t know what that is? Keep reading, we got you.

Promotional + UGC + Interest Post = Happy users!

There are different types of posts of organic posting, each with a very specific aim. If you perfect your mix of these in your schedule then you’ll soon see not only your engagement on the rise but your feed will look a lot nicer as a whole.

Promotional posts are meant to show off specific products, offers and discounts. They help to grow awareness of your brand, as well as highlighting any new in/sale items you’d like to push.

Next up, UGC posts – or user generated content. This is one of the most effective types of content that we always suggest brands should use. Encouraging your followers to tag your services on social media means you have a large amount of content we can then re-share onto your own page. We’d recommend creating a personal hashtag that your audience can use to post about your product/service, which should be displayed clearly on your bio.

And the most powerful, the interest post! This type of content usually consists of fun, light-hearted pictures, memes or viral videos, that are designed to get users talking and engaging with your organic social profiles. Your audience doesn’t just want products thrown at them on every post – these posts give you more of a personality and makes the brand more personable and approachable.

Your type of audience will be very specific and these posts need to be catered to the people interested in your product. It’s also recommended changing these up for each platform. For example, on Facebook, what people react to has changed over the past few years. Re-sharing viral videos and using humour (like memes) are what gets the likes and shares. Of course, this has to be relatable to your target audience.

These can also have your branding put on them. It’s a brilliant way to get your audience responding to your content and helping your algorithm grow.

If you can balance all three of these categories on your feeds, it will work wonders for your organic social user experience.

Big names, big spenders.

The first thing you’ll need to do is find the right influencers for your brand, ensuring they align with your business objectives and values. Do they share your brand values? Do they match your audience’s expectations? For example, if you’re a vegan food company, you’d use a big name who is vegan. If you sell electronic goods, you’d use a well known gamer.

You’ll not only be bringing people to your pages but you’ll be getting content you can repurpose again and again.

Users trust big names, especially ones they have followed for a while. It’s this sense of trust that will eventually lead to sales on your end if done correctly. This is where the importance of using big names with mutual interests, because their followers will too.

Winner, winner!

Competitions are a sure fire way to get that organic social engagement on the rise, quickly. Asking your followers to tag their friends, follow the page and re-share the post to their story for extra entries works wonders. Allow it to run for a couple weeks and pick someone with a larger following as your winner.

There’s no denying that social media management can be difficult but it’s not impossible with the right tools. That’s why the professionals at dmt are so good at what they do. We’ve perfected the strategy and we can help you bring yours to life. Head to site and get in touch.