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Employee Spotlight: Lucy

Employee Spotlight: Lucy


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A few weeks have passed since we added two new faces to our Google Ads team, and both Lucy and Joe seem to be settling in well as PPC executives. Today, we’re going to take a few moments to get to know Lucy a little better! Over to her…


The Work Stuff 📈

Tell us a little bit about your role on the PPC team here at DMT.

I am a PPC Executive, so my job will be to strategise, create, optimise & test Paid Search campaigns across Google for our clients. PPC = Google ads, basically.

What about your background – what led you to this career/industry?

I always knew that I wanted to work within the media/digital media industry but could never quite figure out the exact area I wanted to pursue. Because of this, I did a BSc in Sociology as I was extremely passionate about the subject and a sucker for deep diving into sociological theories about how society functions. However, I discovered that my career goals resided within Digital, so I pursued a Masters in Digital Marketing & Communications, later settling within Paid Media!

What is something unique that you think you bring to the role?

I have come from another digital marketing agency, so I have experience working with small – larger spending clients so I will be able to look at our PPC campaigns with a fresh pair of eyes and suggest new ways of working.

What’s something you want your colleagues to know about you?

I’m happy to help across anything! I’m also always up for a laugh and a gossip.


The Personal Stuff 👩‍💻

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Easy-going, thoughtful & warm-hearted.

What’s your favourite cultural moment of this past year and why?

Something that is yet to happen this year but will be my favourite cultural moment is the potential start of the ‘roaring twenties-esque’ decade when we emerge out of lockdown fully. Not sure about anybody else but I for one will look like I’m fresh off the runway 24/7

What’s your hobby or passion project outside of work?

At the moment my passion project is ordering copious amounts of food & watching every true-crime show I can find! However, once we get out of lockdown I would love to try out Pilates!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

It’s got to be Made In Chelsea – low key would love to spend my days at themed parties, drinking cocktails, watching the polo & over-dramatically escaping to the South of France when I’ve had a rough day.

What causes are you supportive of, and why?

I’m supportive of the Black Lives Matter movement. People should not be silenced for protesting/being the voice for those that have suffered. Racially-motivated violence & discrimination is disgusting and the more we keep society’s attention on the movement, the more likely we are to see some real change in the world!


The Fun Stuff 🥂

Where can we find the best cup of coffee in the Northern Quarter?

I actually moved to Manchester at the start of last year so I haven’t had the opportunity to fully embrace the Northern Quarter too well! Although I have to say that 19 Cafe Bar is the best Brunch place!! The Kinder Bueno pancake stack is insane so I’d assume the coffee is great as well.

If you were a social media platform, which one would you be and why?

Definitely Twitter! I love a political/ social debate and live for the chaotic memes.

Who would be your five dream dinner party guests, dead or alive?

Hmm that’s a hard one… I’d have to say Louis Theroux, Miley Cyrus, Rupaul, Noel Fielding & David Mitchell.

Quickfire Qs 🎯

What are you watching?

Pretty Little Liars (Only 11 years late to the party!)

What are you reading?

Jack Reacher – The Enemy.

What are you listening to?


Who are you ignoring?


Who are you following?

A concerning amount of food profiles.

Thanks for taking a little bit of time to tell us about yourself, Lucy! We hope the PPC/Google ads team takes good care of you – they can be a wily bunch sometimes!

If you’re interested in finding out more about what the Google ads team, paid social team, email marketing team, or the rest of the business can do for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch…

DMT is a digital marketing team based in the heart of Manchester. If you’re interested in seeing how we can help your business succeed online, get in touch, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.