With Black Friday well on its way and Christmas a sensible 74 days away, we’ve been expanding our team at a lightning pace. Today we’re introducing one of our four new team members, the wonderful new Paid Social Executive Lewis (and his signature man bun)!
Tell us about your role at DMT.
I have just started as a ‘Paid Social Executive’ at DMT. Currently, I’m undertaking all the training required for the role and shadowing some of the more experienced members of the Paid Social team. But, I’m hoping to pick everything up quickly and really get stuck in!
What attracted you to the company?
As a recent marketing graduate, working for an exciting, dynamic and creative agency was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I was initially attracted to DMT because of the chance to pursue my interest in digital marketing and paid social, while working for an innovative marketing agency in Manchester. It was a bit of a no brainer really!
Tell us something special you think you bring to the role of Paid Social Executive.
As far as I’m aware, I have the first ‘man bun’ in the company – not sure if that’s actually bringing too much to the role, but some people would say otherwise.
What kind of challenges do you face in your role of Paid Social Executive?
Having not worked too much with paid social before, I definitely have a lot to learn about the role and the internal processes at DMT. However, this challenge excites me as I’m always keen to learn and looking to absorb as much information as possible.
What has been the highlight of your experience so far?
After a very strange end to my university experience this year, I was ready to jump straight into an exciting role. I find that being thrown in at the deep end is a great way to learn and develop necessary skills. This whole process has been great and I am very excited about my future with DMT.
If you were a social media platform, what would you be and why?
I’d be Twitter because it has the ability to instantly connect people from all over the world who want to make change happen, regardless of social stature or demographic.
In your opinion, where can you find the best cup of coffee in Northern Quarter?
I am an avid coffee lover, however having not really visited Manchester too much before, I’m a bit of a newbie to the area. So, I’m looking forward to getting out and seeing what the Northern Quarter has to offer. I am always open to great suggestions!
What advice would you give to someone who wants to be a Paid Social Executive?
Absorb as much information and learn as much as you can from more experienced team members. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, when you start in a new role there is no such thing as a stupid question!
We can exclusively confirm that his man bun truly is something special he brings to the role.
If you want to know more about what Lewis and the rest of the team do for dmt (we’re bloody good at it, too). Get in touch, check out or Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or you can send an email over to hello@digitalmediateam.co.uk 💌