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Employee Spotlight: Luke

Employee Spotlight: Luke




What a milestone! Our very first employee spotlight of 2023, and it goes to Luke, our brand-new PPC Manager! We sat down and chatted away with the Manchester newbie and running enthusiast who shared his love for a certain vampire slaying TV show. Check out his full employee spotlight just below!

The Work Stuff 📈

Tell us about your background. What led you to DMT?

After studying for a marketing degree at university, I've worked up my experience and skills in all aspects of digital marketing over the years - landing as a PPC specialist whilst working with various industries. Being from North Wales originally (in the middle of nowhere!), I wanted to utilise the knowledge I already have and push myself in a role which would challenge my skill set and further improve myself - so, I believe DMT was the perfect place to do that!

What is something unique that you think you bring to the role? 

I have a tendency to think out of the box in relation to technical strategies to try and improve performance, testing new methods on a client-by-client basis.

What’s something you want your colleagues to know about you?

I’m known to sometimes talk to myself and read aloud when I’m in the zone - so if you hear me, I’m not going crazy!

The Personal Stuff 👨‍💻

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Outgoing, Loyal & Chaotic.

What’s your favourite cultural moment of this past year and why? 

Julia Fox’s eye shadow. Because, icon!

What’s your hobby or passion project outside of work?

I used to compete internationally for Wales - so running has always been my passion. Although I don’t run competitively anymore, I enjoy running recreationally and take part in the occasional half marathon.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

The whole of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series will always have a place in my heart, although I don’t feel at all guilty about it.

What causes are you supportive of, and why?

Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community, I am supportive of any cause to help push equality and support those who have struggled to become who they truly are. Also, MacMillan Cancer Support has played a huge part in supporting my family over the past few years - so I have recently raised money for this charity to do my part.

The Fun Stuff 🥂

Give us your best Manchester bar recommendation.

As a Welshman and being new to Manchester, I’m not qualified to recommend anywhere - just yet. Although, any recommendations my way would be greatly appreciated!

If you were a social media platform, which one would you be and why?

Twitter, as I'm known to sometimes speak before I think.

Who would be your five dream dinner party guests, dead or alive?

  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 5 Buffy, to be exact). 
  2. Tom Holland (if he disappears halfway through the dinner party and comes back as Spiderman).
  3. Freddy Mercury.
  4. Dorit Kemlsey from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
  5. Kris Jenner (The Marketing & PR Guru).

Quickfire Qs 🎯

What are you watching?

The Real Housewives of Potomac.

What are you reading?

The Chaos Walking Trilogy (for the 100th time).

What are you listening to?

The complete Taylor Swift discography.

Who are you ignoring?

Friends who claim they watch the TikTok’s I send them, and then resend them to me days after asking me to watch them (true betrayal).

Who are you following?

The ‘Saving Grace’ podcast by GK Barry.

Thanks for sharing, Luke! We can't wait to show you all our favourite spots around our much-loved city and catch up with you about your latest half marathon!