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Employee Spotlight: Matt

Employee Spotlight: Matt




"Woooooo, another employee spotlight from dmt to sink my teeth into" - You, Right Now.

Hey! We're here with a brand-new face to introduce you to. Say hello to Matt, our newest PPC Executive.

We sat down with the football-obsessed pub-goer who shared his pretty intriguing dinner party lineup.

Read his full spotlight just below.

The Work Stuff 📈

Tell us about your background. What led you to DMT?

I got into Paid Search (PPC) by accident - kind of. I applied at an agency over four years ago originally for a PR Role and fell into PPC. I was just keen to learn and develop a career, and I still have that same enjoyment and motivation today.

What is something unique that you think you bring to the role?

I like to think that as I enjoy working as a team, I bring an aspect of enthusiasm to the role. I’m happy to put my head together with a colleague to learn and overcome challenges as a team.

What’s something you want your colleagues to know about you?

I’m happy to talk about pretty much anything. The “dafter”, the better.

The Personal Stuff 👨‍💻

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Outgoing, funny(👀), opinionated.

What’s your favourite cultural moment from the past year and why?

Probably Lionel Messi winning the World Cup.

What’s your hobby or passion project outside of work?

Football (playing and watching), running, and socialising - usually in a pub.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Does “Murder On The Dancefloor” count? Banger.

What causes are you supportive of, and why?

I can’t think of anything specifically, but anything that betters our society, I suppose.

The Fun Stuff 🥂

Give us your best Manchester bar recommendation.

Well, I’m from Wigan, so I’m not exactly an expert on this - I used to love an Irish bar that shut down in The Printworks called “Waxy O’Connor’s” - RIP.

If you were a social media platform, which one would you be and why?

Probably Twitter - before it was X. The golden age of Twitter was the one.

Who would be your five dream dinner party guests, dead or alive?

Lionel Messi, Alex Turner, Sean Lock, Jurgen Klopp, and Lee Mack.

Quickfire Qs 🎯

What are you watching?

Just finished The Sopranos and The Wire as I felt they had to be watched. So, any suggestions are welcome…

What are you reading?

Not much, to be honest. I really need to read more.

What are you listening to?

Nothing in particular right now. Usually just a mix of everything I’ve previously listened to. Quite a lot of podcasts at the moment, too.

Who are you ignoring?

On Monday morning, everyone, but throughout the rest of the week, just any idiots on social media.

Who are you following?

Nothing in particular right now, but I’m regularly keeping up with new episodes of football podcasts - “Stick To Football” and “The Overlap” are two examples.

Thanks for sharing, Matt! We can't wait to introduce you to our favourite bars and hear all about the latest podcasts you've been listening to.