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Employee Spotlight: Ruby

Employee Spotlight: Ruby




The team list is growing exponentially over here at DMT. Say hello to Ruby, our Junior Production/Content Creator. We sat down with the film and book fanatic who shared her love for live events and her hatred of a certain social media animal...

The Work Stuff 📈

Tell us about your background. What led you to DMT?

I graduated from university, studying Commercial Photography, in 2021. After living at home for 8 months, my friend from uni and I decided to take the plunge and move up to Manchester! I then saw this apprenticeship opportunity to work at DMT, and I just had to apply.

What is something unique that you think you bring to the role?

I love planning projects and coming up with creative ideas! My background in photography helps with the studio aspect of my role too.

What’s something you want your colleagues to know about you?

If you need a film recommendation, I’ve got you. 

The Personal Stuff 👨‍💻

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Loyal, funny, honest.

What’s your favourite cultural moment of this past year and why?

Pretty sure Stranger Things 4 had the whole world in a chokehold, including me.

What’s your hobby or passion project outside of work?

Photographing my friend’s music events!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Scrolling for some sweet deals on Vinted and Depop. 

What causes are you supportive of, and why?

I am a massive supporter of the fight against climate change. I've been trying to do everything that I can to lower my impact on the environment!! 

The Fun Stuff 🥂

Give us your best Manchester bar recommendation.

Hmmm, I think it would have to be Freemount… I’m a sucker for a singsong and some live music!

If you were a social media platform, which one would you be and why?

I think I’d be Instagram as I’m always snapping photographs! 

Who would be your five dream dinner party guests, dead or alive?

David Attenborough, Emma Thompson, Kylie Minogue, Gillian Anderson and Dolly Parton.

Quickfire Qs 🎯

What are you watching?


What are you reading?

Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly by Anthony Bourdain.

What are you listening to?

Maggie Rogers’ new album, Surrender.

Who are you ignoring?

Umm, the Duolingo Owl.

Who are you following?

@reesesbookclub, always in need of a good book suggestion!

Thanks for sharing, Ruby! Make sure you invite us to watch your friend's events when you're next off out.

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