Social Media is getting bigger and more powerful, especially when it comes to marketing your business or brand. Most social media posts are visual, so in order for a brand to utilize social media as a marketing channel, they must be delivering content in a way that’s engaging and easily digestible. But what if your business is non-visual?
You could argue that fashion companies or restaurants/food brands have it easy – who doesn’t want to spend time looking at pictures of burgers or a pair of shoes they want online? They also have collections of relevant images and user-generated content to use at their disposal, which pretty much ensures they have a good engagement.
So can Facebook and other social platforms work for brands that aren’t photogenic? The answer is yes! You just need to get creative, so we’ve come up with a few tips below on how to do this!
Don’t take your social media too seriously

Police departments aren’t usually known as the most captivating of personalities. They’re far from it; serious, official and straight to the point. This is understandable when they’re there to protect and serve the people. But it looks like whoever runs the GMP City Centre’s Twitter account didn’t get the memo. Aside from the regular important updates, the account uses humour and jokes to get people to interact with them.
This advice is incredibly important for any brand or business that have a presence on social media – people love to see friendly and fun interactions from a company, not a stiff robot-like response. Be human!
Get creative with your content!

This is crucial for you to develop a persona for your brand’s online presence. This can not only make your company easily recognisable across multiple platforms but also drive engagement to your page. In a world where various platforms’ algorithms are picking and choosing what content to show on a timeline first, you need to make sure yours stands out amongst the crowd.
That’s where interactive content comes in. The use of memes, hashtags, bold pictures and polls are all great to help boost your content above the rest. For example, take MailChimp – an email marketing service. You wouldn’t assume they’d have ‘Instagram worthy’ pictures or fun content to use. Well, think again…
MailChimp have managed to generate creative content that has benefited them massively. The same can be said for the other examples below, including the up and coming bank, Monzo, who recently put out a successful campaign titled #YearInMonzo.
Promote your company culture.

As I mentioned above, consumers don’t want to interact with a robot, they want to see the people behind a company. Promoting your company culture has never been more important, as the products or service you sell are just a slice of the whole brand.
Show the online world something great about your work environment and your employees, or boast about a completed project. Even better, give your consumers a glance at your life in the office!

Are you looking for help with your social media strategy? Get in touch!